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Labor contractors have Marriott contracts

In a phone call with the Manager of the Marriott I was told that three Labor Contractors have contracts with Marriott. They bring workers to the US to work at various firms, arrange their paperwork, visa's and travel. Obviously they also arrange 'housing' for them, which in the case of the Mariott workers is at Nautilus Cove Condos and is completely against the condo regulations which Waterstone Realty agreed to abide by when they purchased 4 units here:

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Going to work at the Marriott-

Employees going to work at Bay Point Marriott Golf Resort and Spa, at 4200 Marriott Drive, in Panama City Beach, Fla. 7:30 a.m.

Workers are picked up and returned in a white Ford van (G964DA Fla) driven by the below labor contractor employee, who has keys to the 2 rented units, he picks up and drops off linen for the apartments and also picks up new workers at the airport.

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Going to work:

4 at right of photo are from India

Posted by PicasaA Labor Contractors van picks them up and returns them after work.


Back to the condo from work

April 25, 2008 6:03 PM - Nautilus Cove Condos - back from work

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May 1, 2008, NCC, PCB, Fla

The usual parade of maids leaving for work at the Marriott. Some days it is 5 some days it is 9-10.

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