Feb. 4, 2011
This suit is now into its 3rd year. The costs mount, this is a loser pays all case. As you will see from the below posts it is NOT a case that I will lose, so the Nautilus Cove Condo Association will end up paying for both their own costs and my costs.

FYI: Earlier this year settlements were again proposed by me, Alan O'Neal of Waterstone Resort Realty, LLC chose to settle the matter. The Condo Assn. through its BOD has not bothered to reply, so the suit continues.
Should the Condo have settled, my terms were:
1) A statement from them that the Condo documents regarding rentals of units would be adhered to.
2) Payment of my costs to date of $6,500.
The BOD continues to ignore the matter and shortly we will be going to the depositions and interrogatories phase which will increase costs by at least 200%. This will not be paid by the 3 knucklheads on the BOD but will end up with a special assessment of the 167 condos in order to pay my eventual costs.
and see the case progress on the Bay County Court site at: http://court.baycoclerk.com/courtcaseweb/CaseDetail.aspx?txt=